Tool Ambassador Program

Posted on November 10, 2020 by weeklyr

Adopted on November 8th 2020

The Tool Ambassador is the person in charge of one complex tool, or one well-defined work area, at the QC Co-Lab. The Ambassador doesn’t have to be the most knowledgeable expert but is a supervisor and trainer as well as a single point of contact for training and coordinating maintenance and repairs.

The Ambassador will be responsible for:

  • Making decisions about maintenance and usage of the tool inside of the QC Co-Lab Policies and bylaws.
  • Maintain and publicly display one form of direct communication located near the items or locations they are assigned. 
  • Training other members to teach proper use and basic maintenance.
  • Approving members to teach the tool and maintaining a list of approved teachers.
  • Ensuring regular maintenance is performed (beyond normal per-use inspection).
  • Defining use policy for the tool (i.e. who may use it, when, recommended cost, etc), which will be posted in a public forum and printed and posted on the tool itself. This policy must conform to the QC Co-Lab Bylaws and other policies.
  • Purchasing consumables, that will be reimbursed by the QC Co-Lab if proper documentation is provided to the Treasurer. All items over $100 must be approved by the board of directors. In Addition if consumables run in excess of $150 a month they must be reviewed by the Board. If the consumable is required because of  improper or excessive use by a member, the member in question will be responsible for the cost.
    • Some tools require members to bring their own consumables. That would be noted on publicly as well as on the machine.
  • Determining whether improper use or routine wear caused the replacement.
  • Responding to inquiries about the tool within a reasonable time. These inquiries could be made via Teams, Email, or the Ticketing System. 

The Ambassador will NOT be responsible for:

  • Setup, cleanup, configuration, or maintenance for any user other than themselves.
  • Teaching *all* new users (see above about training teachers).
  • Any accidents, malfunctions, injuries, or damage to the tool while any other person is operating it – each user is still fully responsible for their own actions

To reduce their future workload, the Tool Ambassador is highly recommended to also post a checklist of good user behavior on or near the tool, and on a public forum. They are also recommended to write up a description, with pictures, of the normal user tasks of setup, cleanup, maintenance, adjustment, etc and post these as a reminder to trained but occasional users.

Ambassadors are asked to volunteer for the service. They will be accepted to the position via a majority vote of the Board of directors. There will be no set term for this position. Additionally, they can leave the said position at any time by notifying the board so a replacement can be assigned.