By-Laws Acceptance and Assumption of Risk and Release

Posted on June 22, 2017 by Ryan J.

You must agree to the following in order to become a member of the QC Co-Lab.

By-Laws Wiaver

The QC Co-Lab uses a Wiki page to host our bylaws. You may view them at any time at

I have read, understood, and accepted the Bylaws and Resolutions as found on the QC Co-Lab Wiki. I understand these are the operating code and procedures for the QC Co-Lab.

Assumption of Risk and Release

I agree that I am voluntarily participating in the QC Co-Lab with knowledge of the risks of doing so, such as the inherent risks of injury, property damage, dismemberment, or death resulting from the use of tools or materials, and/or the active or passive negligence of the QC Co-Lab sponsors and suppliers, including the QC Co-Lab and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and exhibitors (collectively “Co-Lab”). I release the Co-Lab from all liability, claims, damage, or demands arising from or related to my participation in the QC Co-Lab.

I agree to assume all liability of any and all minors and guests that I bring into the QC Co-Lab. I assume all responsibility to inform guests and minors of the risks of injury, property damage, dismemberment, or death resulting from the improper use of potentially dangerous tools or materials, and/or the active or passive negligence of the Co-Lab.

I acknowledge that I have read this agreement and understand that it includes an assumption of the risk and a release of liability. The QC Co-Lab is relying on this waiver to allow me to participate in the QC Co-Lab.