Arduino: Breaking the Board

Posted on March 11, 2011 by contact

Time to break out of the confines of your Arduino! Join guest speaker Ray Scheufler of KSU, Steve Hamer and David Hinkle of the QC Co-Lab for a step by step demonstration of how to design and fabricate your own custom Arduino board!

As many of you may know, the Arduino is what we in the industry call a “dev board”. It’s the sort of thing Microcontroller manufacturers load with goodies and ship to professionals to allow them to prototype their projects and test their designs.

Generally, however, these dev boards do not end up in finished projects. A custom board is manufactured that contains only the parts required for the product and in a layout optimized for said product.

Join us and our guest next Saturday, March 19th at 7:00PM as we explore how we design, manufacture and assemble our custom Arduino compatible board.

We will demonstrate designing the board with open source board layout software Kicad and the commercial package Eagle. We will then route the design out of copper clad using a CNC router, populate the board with required components, and if everything goes well…. Demonstrate the final product.



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